Tuesday, October 1, 2024


One day during life. God spoke out Loud. To ask Lucifer aka the Prince of Darkness. The culprit of confusion; demonic spirits is the Devil makes it happen. But on earth we speak of it's existence in the name of; Satan.

On next to the Narrative. God ask Satan where have you been. Satan replied to God; seeking to and fro. In  whom I can devour. 

If mankind could ask one question ❓ ask The flesh when - where is anyone living being. Structured & Built. To resist on  earth. The Power in Gravity. Both  at war. Is the real test that will determine it All.

While humanity is busy bodies in Civilization; dealing with the Healing, Joy, and looking for the money. Grief is seeking Peace on earth. Amongst the grooming & growing State Of Chaotic Affairs, in every corner of US a foundation built & lived on. In this entire World. 

Monday, September 30, 2024


When the stomach has contained as much intake as the stomach can process. The stomach will no longer properly digest Is when the stomach will stress & stretch muscles. In one area, into the next.

In life everyday we in humanity; digest then process. Whether it be process in the Physical are Mentally. Including to attempt to digest. Under duress. Every transmission in processing is destined to run a natural course; in a breaking down. Whatever it is of storage, capacity, information or in these human engagements.

Children process; Volumes of Information.

Data Bases; hold volumes of information.

People communication; words in information.

The hands are utilized; in physical delivery of text & transmission of information.

These human emotions; is part of our individual identity.

The mind is the storage unit of the entire body; of information.

Time will conclude every sentence or human act used & demonstrated; From this information.

Life - Death. It's the information that concurs throughout it. And often miscommunication & misconduct is questionable. Why, it's where the history is stored. And how everything is released. Regardless of the state. Are these estates. Is Standing; outstanding, or Laying In Peace. But not alway's is the information carefully delivered, processed and carefully stored away in details. 

Death is silent. However, it's the delayed information that is fragile. And hunted down. Why, Information opens US; up. To communicate & perform. Interchangeable actions on earth.

If a child ask; what happens after death. And the question is not limited to what happen's to that Soul. Listen close to what information was released if not with held.

If any human is buried with a secret in the physical forms on Earth. Then who in the next; of the physical. Of the living on earth. That will or hinder. To open up. What lay's in the minds of those caskets, behind the doors, through the windows, of what 'will' read in the pages. Of what is still hidden in these closets. 

We are amongst blended DNA's. Some established, some disowned, some commingled. In a world everyone that is human; knew of. 

'The question is if I die who benefits. Uhm, but if you're a child. And these are children rambling on as Adults. Why or Whom is Thinking in the state of; Inheritance not lost love. 

Recall every step in Time. Look deeper into History. Research every debt on Earth. Discover every engagement. Amongst every landmark & landmarks. In the lines of data if not paperwork.

Why, Everyone who works. Leaves behind; the opinions & oppositions. in the drools over generational wealth. The problem is the Poor in Spirit shall alway's exist amongst US on Earth; according to scripture. As Pride comes before the Fall; according to scripture. What happen's next. If anyone gains prophets; to lose his soul. According to scripture.

Then Why is the Harvest; still plenty. According to scripture. And on Earth the work; is left undone. But passing on to another; generation. Is the next of kin. Of who is not. And if who is next; inline.

Sunday, September 29, 2024


Wolf in Sheep's Clothing.

It's not hard to be kind. It's the meek that shall inherit the Earth. The Peacemaker's shall find; peace. Etc. read it for yourself. But in All things seek; understanding. Matthew 7:17 KJV

Religion is a FreeWill. The 1st & 2nd amendments is a Freewill. We live our days according to how we feel; of this Freewill. As the word on the street is Study war no more. In these Parallel Days of living in Spiritual Warfare's Wars.

Drive safely, and read the warnings. Today sit still and embrace Time. Whether you're in a rush. Or cruising. Why, the world is filled with busy bodies. We're just travelling on one route. In alternate destination's.

While traveling on a dirt road. I swore to never find my self in a Trick Bag; of these Wolf's. But so have other's in humanity. But life is so unpredictable, it's inviting. Because of it's beautiful; sunlight & sunsets. We just don't know. What is lurking in  unfinished business. In the human hearts. That roam & rotate in shifts. on God's green earth. Is these clocks. Found amongst new & old build in infrastructure. But to other's it may be that old & established. As I sat & heard.  Amongst the cultures in conversations. I thank God for freedoms; some other human body's over time. Through generations advocated & fought for these freedoms. So All Humanity through birth rights. Will continue to fulfill life in another generation of Time. And I'll tell you how any Wolf is disguised. In oneself of Sheep's clothing. But this was not the first. This is history on earth. Even Christians is accountable. Wow! Nothing new. Not in All Christians; some will carry on. Why, Pride comes before the Fall. Is what we do no, and why the accountability in weight of knowing is inevitable.

My interaction's began with a warm approach. To a delicate ending. As I savored the last bite. The Wolf approached with a smile, and said softly 'can I fetch you anything else's. Uhm, I calmly looked into this Wolf's soul. We do remember the eyes are the windows to the Soul. And On another day there were several Wolf's. That appeared in attendance at the funeral in the audience from where the caskets stand. In the birth rooms & beds, are outside plotting the next moves, in a sanctuary, on a public street. Sitting on walls of Graffiti. And be let's be not deceived, in a homestead. Are among those over extended invitations to residences. How so, if you watch closely enough. A Wolf face will transform in the physical. So, what happen's next. Uhm, Uhm,  Remember Luke 10:19. Unfortunately these Wolf's are very clever; but redundancy is a weakness. And any opportunity given is another chance; to repeat the same dance. How so, you don't know what a Wolf's mission is by now? God has called out. On Earth every mission the Wolf needs to Test. But believe Angels are also on,  standby. To ensure every Test is successful according to The Book of Life. But you must be in the spirit humbled, to heed these Worldly acts in messages.

Every morning take inventory; in yourself. Be thankful for the family; still standing or in the families in Division. Don't worry let people talk; their supposed to or not. The reality we All will face issues or differences to figure out. While Every book is judged by the Cover. Until we live enough of our own human truths in our lives. Judgement will expose. Who is GOD & What is Mankind still capable of doing. In the dark until it comes full circle. Into the light.

Throughout the remainder of these days; pray over the the world in it's Safety. Why, not family? But praying for the world's safety. Every soul is now been accounted for. In protection. Life is a space. Where Humans reside in it.

Well, the prayers of righteous will not be forsaken. How so, read II Timothy. Then judge the Book of Revelations. Once again, the cover of this Book. Still speaks volume to the world. And the text; continue to align with the state of the occurrences in this world.

Why, has This Book remained in tact from the beginning, Alpha. Wonder why, people pop out in every corner of the world towards it's Ending, Omega. Good & Evil is still at War's in The World. 

Family, good or bad, right or wrong. Humanity is in what roots of Fruit; is bared & in this earth, sown.

Saturday, September 28, 2024


Once the beds are prepared on Earth. For the final resting state. May these pages of print & pics. Last in the hearts of those who remain on Earth.

As these RIP T-shirts are worn then hung up on walls & doors. For the next; generation will follow in the footsteps. Of what is inherited  from the past. And Only in mankind has their own answers; in what, who, when, where, how & why?  In civilization walking around these material things. That will tarnish over time. And the messages that still remain on these graffiti of walls. Is these human emotions. That continue to run over. From bucket to bucket. Generation to Generations. As we were warned the sick & poor in Spirits. Will alway's exist. including  health. Amongst US in this entire World.

Pray over our world. Is these babies & children; leaning on each other to process the healing. Amongst who is  left on Earth. With those of the elders. Continue to Pray in unity over; the young & old. Exist in heart & mind; of guardians, friends, associates & this new generation of Parents. Is the Parenting & Villages. Are the believers & non believers, and worshipors.

As Time will keep watch; On who Pulls Up. And what still is in the messages. Left behind in each human. Is the weight. We carry individually. Deeper in our minds & hearts. 

As our families are left behind; together or apart. What is Faith without Work. In Prayer in these Villages. While digging out of these Valley's 

Wait, 'I heard & read a message 'he was, a Lily in this Valley'. I listened through the crowd  of who said, 'He knew the Lord'. I walked in the room of many souls. Is when I wept As Mary, once did for knowing. From his last call on earth. As the Eulogy was read. The Casket roll down on earth for the last walk. We All watched in a space filled with 'Eyes', who shedded tears. And notified of who 'should of' appeared; but absent. As JC hung. A prayer was covered. For this day must happen; in the presence of the crowd. But only for a little while; will my absence be in transition. Until the Day I will return; to settle on Earth. What remains outstanding between mankind in Civilization.

Can you recall; a son or daughter asking; is today the day. Mommy or Daddy is coming back. Grandpa, Auntie, Grandma are even a dear friend. Or closet in cousins..

Who, has not suffered; famine, wealth, heartache, grief, hurt. Pain. Is also, Peace & Rest.

Never take for granted a Hug & Kiss. Today could be, if tomorrow maybe. But for now; why complain. To just embrace every moment.

As the church doors are open for All. Why, Religion forgives. It's Humans that make the choices in Earth.

As we in Civilization run to & fro. In those Addictions & Adversity; in our human. Self.. The Justice System could no longer hide behind; of what went undocumented. Are denied of proper Process. Eventually this race will be run. Not for Victory in the Swift. For those who endured. In A life filled with Sunshine & Storms in it.

What humans reigns on Earth. without a Flaw or fault; look deeper into the Salt of the Earth. Listen closely to the feet in Mankind that walk amongst it. Who can Judge?

Nothing has occurred in this Life that has not been or will not skip pass what is Doctrine Written! In The Book Life

Love did not hurt US. People either chose: forgiveness. Or accepted a life in; denial. Of the time to grow more; in this human Skin. Of this skin. That cover the depths of Human flaws. Is the Souls; fought over and for.


Friday, September 27, 2024


For generations Human's have chosen or not of a Relationship with GOD. 

For generations Human's accept or decline Prayer. 

And believe it or not. Not every human is not preying bad towards each other. In every Religion. If not non Religious Beliefs; of a freewill. Are in the Physical persons in a race of humanity. Some people are praying for Peace. As Fear is this driver. For the reality is some People possess no threshold. To prey against someone's else's; down fall.

Religion forgives. People make choices.

The truth will alway's silence a lie. Cohabitations vs. Humanity's life styles. Unfortunately no one is innocent. In this world that was not created by the hand's of mankind. The world that was created for the Life in residency for Generations to replenish the Earth.

I remember as a child. I met my grandmother on Earth. I embraced her in the physical for 40 years. I recall giving birth to my only son; I nurtured and shadowed him for 28 years on earth; in the physical. I remember meeting my paternal father. And yes, it was my mother who said 'Ill answer to God for my human choices. And today you are the birthright of your Family. I remember sitting with my father, as he caught me up to family business. Until the day his honorable service in the Military forces & Human Affairs on Earth, at 72 was accomplished. According to God's word. I remember getting a call Cancer has knocked again. On another generation in family members doors. I recall the group  Text. Again, in another generation. This Family was still All about; God's business. 

I recall the community's & school's. Where the locals kids knew. Whose house would show them love. Regardless of their zip codes & appearance. Life has it's own date - time. To humble All Human's on Earth. 

So, many of these relationships on earth. Go Good or South. Why, Some Human's will take the fall for that 'L'. However GOD is alway's the Narrator. In our human choices during SIN.

So, many human Cohabitations on Earth. However, SIN is the disguised culprit, connected. In the evil seeds planted in human Cohabitations. 

Why, we'll look at the History. Not so much at these Human flaws. We All will leave with scars in these fragile hearts. Because where you find the drugs; is the user, broken hearted, the justice systems, judgement of others. That remains on earth is of the same Judicial systems, tax payers & collectors, distribution locations & suppliers catering to the user's.

Why, where you judge of the Jezebel spirituals. Is in this human skin. Of who is seeking worldly & material pleasures from another human being.

Why, justice is not fair. But who has or not; awaits in God's Judgement. That will rule out Mankind's judgement on Earth.

So, that we conclude the Spiritual Warfare with the account number to information; as our human. Feet stumble & rock. As we walk across each other's path on this earth. Pull up then dial up a Prayer instead of each other. Eventually every knee shall bow. To answer back for the blood in those seeds that have been planted; into the soil. Of this earth. 

If we're still plotting to takeout the knowledge. To possess Power over the Harvest; remember whatever seeds. Over generations planted in the soil. Of the Earth. Remain in All of mankind's; DNA is bloodlines.  

Do we as humans process where Anger, is grim. Because not All people are angry at the same time. Over the same situations are circumstances. However, I had to. And many other's we're educated why, even worrying; is a SIN in this life.

The playdates are running out for these children; before our frosty & shifty eyes. The gang stalking & gang rivals are colliding under one nation. The grief is memorializing the Justice System in the Living On Earth. How so, Human Cohabitations & Secrets. That walk in arrogance amongst the Earth.

As humans we all fight in this Skin is the flesh. Adversity it's real in ourselves. 'mom people got issues with themselves, I had to figure out my own faults'. 

Why, There is alway's internally room; for maintenance in our own human flesh. And immediately needed of Attention during the presence of this generations.

Why, Genocides & Homicides. there is two types of Justice. The Courthouse Chambers & The Book Of Life. 

To answer back to the why,  accountability has to deal with how it began. The Alpha & Omega. In Civilization. Of every birth of FEMALE & MALE.

 Psalms 110:1

Thursday, September 26, 2024


Every person needs to feel, a sense of belonging. A space to feel comforted. An opportunity to be free in expression.

How so. If anything is possible in this lifetime. Why, not believe in someone or something for the same lifetime. To possess a desire. It first starts; in our human minds. Is when. Something else stirs up. In these human hearts! 

Believe it or not. Everyone in this lifetime will continue to talk, debate, deny. But still desire the experience. In some type of human affection, comfort & puppy love. In every age of every human will see; based on an internal idea. Of what is seen through the naked eye; of attractiveness. From one in hopes of reciprocation to the other.

How so, in a Touch; volume is stimulus. Through language; words are comforting. Through the naked eye; ideas is created in the mind. And in every kiss; lingers of having another opportunity for the next. 

The flip side is; any type of hurt is traumatic. In a world of joy, pain & laughter. Love is the Blame. For some reason love attaches one to another. In the human nature. Therefore the human reason for hurt. It's the same emotion that caused the feelings to love. And For that reason Love caused the human heartache. In this entire World.

The Good news regarding our Cohabitations in this entire world of Civilization. Love did not hurt US. Without human emotions. If we're continuing in giving second chances to each other on earth. In these relationships. 

Then why not figure out; why sometimes we hurt one another. To love each other enough to admit; being human is work in ourselves. And work also includes accountability to recognize we're just not mature enough in All. To express the extent of love. To recognize how to  receive. If not reciprocate the same affection in love language. To each other  as Human with this endurance of Tenderness, Patience & Understanding.

This Idea of Love. The type we can imagine of growing up; in it forever. The journey with love. This time a little more work in ourselves to grow through Patience towards each other. Is also maturity in knowing when, what and why Time to let go. Before it's to late. knowing love. Whether it's enough to bend or bond Us back in it; together 

In order to get it right; Time is showing Humanity Love & Favor. How, well time has been on our sides & we're still amongst the living. For People to work on themselves. And towards replenishing relationships in this Entire World.

If we limit ourselves to the Narrative; hate is love, I don't want nothing or nobody, that person does not deserve human happiness, or maybe whomever. We'll never experience a Love that's forms from a natural course level. Love It will happen without confusion. It will feel calm & welcome. How so, confusion hinders the experience. And often we as humans deny the Red Flags in All these types in human relationships. However, genuine love naturally comes together. 

Once Human's accept respecting one another. And the challenge to face whatever is internally in Chaos. Are at Peace in; themselves. Remember for generations Human's have taken; risk & chances. Repeatedly with each other in Earth.

So, the Question now, is where do we Humans go from Love to Hate. In this world. To not Leaving behind; the Human experience of knowing love on earth. For it was the idea of an mutual experience with each other during this lifetime. We in humanity created of genders in DNA. Of precious Cargo. Overtime it was Human's that made the investments. In each other. Of our human time. In a World of Cultures. Is the pattern of these; Human emotions.  

Safe Place

Time has proven it's not in between; pillow talking amongst sheets. Are either amongst these concrete Walls & Streets. In Humanity.

So, where is this Quite Place on Earth?

In knowing what is not optional; Mars. Then where on earth or of it's highest; creation. a Deed located for a new Civilization.

Could it be; a safe place. Is nearer to embracing inner Peace. Why, we're All on borrowed Time in this life.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024


The clock on the walls; with out a replacement in battery. The click remains nonfunctional.

In Patience time is required to access what is occurring in real time. And let's be clear humans dealing with humans; require. A lifetime if not a millisecond to mentally determine or decline. What is; the real Narrative. And before responding in reasoning. Of and effective or non receptive interactions. Towards an approach; of civil communications. 

In business it's called Equity, Diversity & Inclusions.

People control the Culture in this entire World.

In civilization is debated amongst; over economic development. For every Community based is around Demographics of every space. Is the invested infrastructure in designs. According to the economic and education, public services. To align with taxation. On land; it's the usage; in diversified portfolios. Around the world.

In business; it's managing the Economic diversity for the product to be used for the services to meet the consumers. Of human demands. Again, in Civilization.

In these streets; of every type of human engagements. Is the branches of the Government. That governed amongst the cohabitations of humans in Civilization. On top of the developments. Is shelter, transportation, banking, hospital, public services. And the one's who service others; police & political bodies, EMS & Fire and Rescue. Educators & Grants. Is the Care givers of All who are internally sick. Around the Villages of these Guardians. Included is the appointed POA, Executive & Administrative rolls.  All human roles that distinguish amongst each other; is every one human with a title. Look deeper in the installation of What types of catering. Evolves in every Culture is humans. And the Norms, that exist is this diversity; morals, values & beliefs. In evey race, gender & age. For every human; is identified by the biological birth in individuality. 

Here on earth; we as humans live in a state of basic needs, touch, emotions & the assistance of each other.To rotate the access. Of meeting of the minds. In the real world All human needs still require the respect of Time.

We've learned we don't All respect each other's Time on earth. And what is the result. Patience dissolves. For reaching the simple goals







Oil & Gas

Brother & Sisterhood

Love that is not tainted in greed & motivated through jealousy. To table Set a Narrative up to debate; why so much human separation on earth. Driven of Hate.

Why, Religion is a mediator to assist the  figuring out on what is the solution; around the shift of the algorithm that breaks. And redundancy replaces it for finding Hope is forever in All to work. 

In All the checks & balances; still is the negative. Of Negotiations To recourse on track for; Positive results. Of Balance & Peace. The concern has to exist. Around All these human Affairs. Of what is complicated to change. But can never be an negotiated long-term plan to remain. 

The terms of life; Based on bonded contractual agreements. Are these human interactions; agreed upon. but it's life circumstances that will determine whose is temporarily.  Then in an exchange of time here is the reason to disagree long-term. Because of this ownership of human interactions. Created the master disaster over peace. Of what was completed or left uncompleted in work here on earth. 

To obligate oneself is no longer an option. To only repeat a cycle that remains; non-functional & broken.

The evidence is not locked in a box. For generations collecting more dust. The Graffiti  pops out. In every Narratives here on Earth. For One must find justice. In a mental space his or her own Peace. 

As Boundaries are set & dislocated. To establish stability to Reign on Earth. Is another entire lifetime of humans trying to have one settled; Ammicable positive conversation.

Why, in these human differences. The  Struggle is Relevant. When Accountability has to face head on. the conversations that accrue overdue for payments. That roll on to seek retribution for the continuous history; of billing back. In mankind of it's own Cohabitations.

If we learn anything from being human. Write a page, tear it out. And read it to  ourselves, about ourselves. Why are we so angry; once figuring each other out. It's a sign. Repetition is a setup; regarding progress. That is the struggle in self.

The other day. While life allowed Time. I noticed Time was running low. How so, I found myself on repeat with people. In Another generation of the last generation. Trying to help the new generation to adapt. In a strong mindset regarding real life. It took one face to face the reality. To process how do we even exist as humans beings. In functionality. Of every type of scenery. Traveling in these foot prints in every type of environment. towards accepting; or just respect the word separate; understandings. Is respecting our human differences. In Time for a real Purpose.  That Will not be bartered, neither negotiated are ever change. It's what we're willing to accept or decline; Of one another's repeated invitations of denial, or transformation. To learn more about Patience. To continue understanding mentally what is drowning one another in each other's Repetition. The same repetitive invitation. Just extended in a different generation.

Take a break, to invest Time in Taking care of your own Body, Soul & Mind.  'mom not everyone get's it at the same'. I know which is no longer an excuse or acceptable, everyone is still accountable. In dealing with his or her, of their own internal growth & issues. Because time has been a friend to All in humanity. In revealing how the work is alway's & will remain plenty. Again look around in these villages of life. Life happens for All in humanity. Where only a few could of, thought about what more sacrifices of themselves should of; occured. To cover for one another; who chose not to give up; another while trying to better themselves. As the work left in the world is progressed, we as humans in the living trying to maintain some normalcy; still endure.

Monday, September 23, 2024


What if, Just what If. One type of earthling existed on Earth.

What if the Power in jealously; is a pattern in human behavior; we are witnessing of Hate. Then what is hate; if any human swears they love themselves and their own flesh & blood. Then who can we Trust. In a world; we debate who is hardheaded & rebellious. Of what, who and how we hate each other. Of those same people in Civilization. Who swear they know real Love? 

What is GOLIATH going to do; without any David's to fight. Eventually All the GOLIATHS will be left without one choice. But to face each other; over the same battles.

What is SIN going to say on Judgement Day. In the presence of The Judge. In another generation of mothers Like Mary: weep. From the acts of Brothers Cain & Abel; where is Abel's bloodshed. Where many denied the unalive; Justice. On Earth. As Sampson's & Delilah's selfishly indulge. The Rebecca's smite another child of their own delegated inheritance. While Jezebel stands  in confidence on the roof tops; watching out. Down below dipping in & out of the real life stories; is Human Testimonies. Of who was involved in the shenanigans of Sodom & Gomorrah throughout every foundation & 4 corners. Including behind those Walls in this entire World.

What if the Poor & Wealthy in spirit both suffer the same Heartache in Grief, Loneliness,Joy Laughter & Pain.  Then what is the  Purpose; of Gas Lighting & Mind Games?

What is Bloodlines, if the argument is over knowing All Types are Blended in DNA'S?

What if the greedy has no need; to do or have access to anything. How so, because the greedy would only exist amongst itself.

What is the purpose of wishing bad things on other people. Not knowing who is in the background; wishing & planning the Downfall of you.

What if rebellion is what humans struggle with. Then who is the most; Perfect Person in this world..

What if SEX had not been that one temptation used in Good & Bad. In All of mankind. What SIN would be the next; in the Power of the Tongue. Of All SIN exposed in this World.


In society of every foundation on Earth. The Click is spoken on. In All languages & dialect. of what Click is being described as a Culture. In an entire organization or a small group of people. That will delegate of a Narrative; to be implemented. For the set up; is bait. If whomever is in alignment of its path.

And let's not be distasteful towards the human behaviors, are candied are not. But allow time to focus in on the Narrative. To remain on top of All human points. As time will remain in dealing with Denial are being Blindsided in this world.

In why, is this entry 'Click', Unique. Well, for decades there is this mental investment; with it without a return of accrual of growth or economic wealth. throughout generations. 

So, let's dance around the World on top of; Causes vs. Affects. In why Gaslighting is one Method specifically used to install the Battery Pack. In one's if not many; humans back or mental state. To groom generations in the Bullying cycles. That will continue in A Society & Communities. We're dissecting the projection around statistics. In Civilization controlling the Collateral Damages Vehicles. That Will continue in Pulling Up. To justify why accountability. Has proven in a legality. Is the Reasonable Doubt; in what's happening in Society. Is this world wide silent cry throughout for; Help.

In, knowledge is Behind the Resources to figuring out. What is in this Life worth Living for. Once bridges collapse. And  comfort zones are; violated. Of one's own term's; is this State of Affairs. Weighing the Balance in Mental & Physical Awareness.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Medical Emergency

As we approach the end of Mental Illness awareness month. Let's not forget. The condition still in Society exist. Throughout the history of Humanity.

In our school's are are babies, children and youth. Adults is parents and guardians, silence is Coping in Depression. Including Death & Grief. The reality is over generations; it's pamper on yourself. In coping & management. With no time restraints; for any Human to heal. Rushing back into these human relationships. Is it or not. A promise to healing; everyone at one time?

In our communities, is a Society of Human's. Living life, one day at a Time. Some day's in the Darkness. Some day's in the Light.

In our homes is the family, friends and Associations. Of those mental evolving; door's.

In our lives; is our individual Freewill in Freedoms to choose to live. In our own desired; individual decision making.

In Wars, the reality shock. Is at real time; in the mind. 

In the Criminal Justice System & Juvenile; is the case loads over history of mental Illness. And Time in Isolation. Is the temporary medical treatment. For the release dates are recorded for another  Bail Bonds, as Time will conclude; sentences served. Short or Long term. Why, if any human can plead 'Insanity'. To negotiate freedom. Then who is really detecting to find support of long-term care for the hidden in mentally 'Insane', on Earth.

 As in the real world any type of Human Isolation. Is destined to expose what restraints no longer is hidden. Behind what was or is locked behind; in these human hearts. Is also the human minds.

In The World is the Communication, Education & the Breakdown & Denial. Between humans on Earth. Is the Science and Education is Acknowledging there has been a mental breakdown in Humanity. As there is a need for Urgent Care around the entire world.

Why, Humans are Breaking Down in the Physical Body. And a Breakthrough in All of Civilization is now a World Wide Medical Emergency.

Time is the Narrative..


The Unalive stage off life. So, often humans are curious to what really happened to another human. Of course the investigation has to occur....