Prayer, it's an action. Of a Freewill. And just because you're told what to or not to do in this life. Never assume Prayer does not exist. And if it really works.
So, what to pray for? Look, Listen & Learn. For what is removed. It's not surprising. So, what else is unbelievable. And had not been done, under the SUN.
Good morning, afternoon and evening time. Wake up Family, neighbors, associations & friends. Time to appreciate our health & strength. Included is the material things or over controlling each other. We'll loose our entire minds & souls for. Why, examine the difference of who will & if you did not self examine yourself. Are even acknowledge the differences without any of an action. Of the above.
Mom, are you ok? There is a shift that's been moving since birth. Eventually it's all going to change the way we think. About. GOD purpose to understanding Prayer & Religion. Grandma I know it's late, but I need you to pray with me. Mom before this supper let's grab hands to pray over each other. Today I ask myself if we have lived enough to sleep at night. Knowing what we've done on this earth. Family one day if the lines are silent. Remember to continue to do what was taught to you. Because the world is going to look different grandchildren, nieces and nephews. And there will be the gnash of teeth. In ever face on earth. Still believe if it were not for Grace & Mercy.
One day the man said, we're all going to perish. But not until we're all given life to live.
One day, one went missing in the blink of an eye. Is when we all pointed fingers towards each other. What happened as we All watch the sky.
The Cross worn of Jewelry, the tattoos printed in the human flesh of Jesus. But the history has proved humanity. Believes in somethings. About each other. We're all going to prove a point. That circles US in All back to The Holy Bible. The Ten Commandments. I spoke on. No Human in Life; can run & hide from.
The History of Constitutional Laws is made by man in this skin. That Dictates our Human Rights, Social Injustices & what Freedoms & Discretions are we to expect in really being reciprocated. However, not in All humans oblige the same patterns & trends of the law written by man for man. So, we are the extension of our inner feelings. Towards one another in this life.
Surely, time & life's adversity will prevail each & every human struggle; inner strengths & weaknesses. And in the usage of man's knowledge vs. Holy doctrine. In where is it written of even one human given a title of priority are exemption for servicing of man. But the reality is every human being will either to deal with. Of a human struggle in themselves.
In struggling with oneself. It's common to deflect. On other humans in this world. Just think about if GOD only satisfied one set of humans. And denied the creation of the same existence of humans. We could ask what was the point of creating humans at All. Then there would be no checks - balance in this life. Where humans would of never existed for life.
But that's not our human story. If we watch the conflict projected on Religion. The Bible remains in its tact of Existence. Used also in its creating of the manmade Constitutional Law by man. Reads we oppose are possess a Freewill. To not accept of a Law implemented in our daily lives on earth. We can say out loud anything of immortality to hurt one another. And then be persecuted by each other. And in All things what were capable of committing one of the Ten Commandments. To be judged of each other. And we as humans can do what we want to do towards; each other from the take of the Holy Bible to Justify the Constitution. Now we as humans can justify, by teaching what contradicts of how The Bible Meets Real Life. By teaching & treating each other of our own human history; we as human created with each other of a Freewill. So, there is life & death. That cycles back to every human. Over these tools & guides All humans were provided. At the creation of life on earth. It's in our human natures; we are driven in madness to pray in asking each other for GODS granted Grace & Mercy. To be be angered by to appeasing our own human agenda's. In this human flesh. Out of these human emotions & feelings. It's our own human actions.
So, what we're seeing in this world. It's where our human expectations lead US in All. If it works for some of us. Then it will just oppress the opposite of us. From one human to another. But that attempt; has revealed our human natures in earth.
Humans Shift on Earth. It's Heaven & Earth, that will not be removed. Look around. Humanity is one movement in shifts. It's never been a secret. Human created secrets amongst themselves. Humans chose to believe in what we want from each other. Verses the sacrifices and the reality of the Holy Bible is Prophecy. We're the humans that live it out.
Just because it hurts to be uncomfortable in this life. Is it really pain, we're feeling individually. Whenever humans say, it is are it's not. Are do we believe in accepting whatever is visible is unbelievable. Knowing once believing is the Truth of what we have lived of life & people experiences. In this skin as human beings over generations. Would mean the possibility of that one day; the world of humanity was destined to change. Because of the seeds that were sown in each other mentally. Were physically and spiritually down back into the earth. While The Bible & The Prophecy continues to be fulfilled.
In The Blink of An Eye, it's going to happen. Over generations We're told what to think, eat and speak. We're advised of how to live, procreate and serve one another on earth. We are the human movement of behaviors that Cohabitate in this human flesh. We premeditate in our own thinking. Of each other's human behaviors; we're going to overcome it All. To address of our own human discrepancies towards one another in this world.
What really happened in life? Ask another human. In Mankind. they're exact reiteration of what The Bible reads. In it's own existence. Then answer to why, humans continue to disregard each other. Of the same Bible & Constitution Laws. In what on Earth will not be removed. As the shift in the spirits is fulfilling one Prophecy.
You can feel how you need to feel in these human emotions & bodies. We All know what each other are doing, and did through out generations. To ourselves and to each other. Only time is left to Tell All the children. It was our accountability to direct them in teachings of only The Ten Commandments. That has existed before mankind in the world. While we were teaching, preying & praying on money, land, poverty & wealth. It had to be Religion. To just justify what is written by manmade laws. Then to be taught over the Human History is The Constitution & Case & Statutory Laws. It did not remove the Bible in Civilization. Why, freewill can only be the Fear. In acknowledging what is written for the purpose in Humanity is a guide to practice in living.
If GOD is the blame. Religion is practiced. And what humans Teach through our breathe of life. As Mankind manages the control by this word Power that creates the internal fear and chaos in ourselves. Then what changed in our lives. Throughout generations. We are still living. Because of the time. As we're running in thoughts of adrenaline & anxiety. Trying to conquer & dismantle the world.