Before reading this entry. Breathe before the final Ending of the usage of our Crayola boxes. Has no further usage to blasphemy over what color dictates the faith of our own human history. Does not include; Salvation.
First Amendment Right. Freedom of Speech. As we observe it's on a live world wide view. Of being actively; communicated.
What was at stake. Took the influences. Towards legalizing The Genocide of Manmade Laws. For representation to legally remove are re-establish what is written of the State of the Constitution. To deliberate it's own human; liberty. To validate why the reconstruction of it's own; Human Civil Rights for the future of human history has to be under construction by mankind. To repeat the State vs. Religion through manmade; Policy is control by Politics.
If not, read every commentators comments. Allowed to be read on Trademark & Patent social media page. To exist examine and respond to what is channeled of communications. Is the advertisement. Let's begin time is of the essence. For the influence of fear is manifesting. In what is being called out to Civilization regarding 'it's them people again', well let's monitor Which ones, the onlookers, the instigator, the initiators, the hater's, the world ordered? Look deeper enough in All humans hidden is; good in heart, evil of minds & skeletons hidden. We've got a life line of hands in an open cookie jar. Where all hands have digged in it. For over generations of mankind. Moving on 'So, is it a You did it, this time'. 'Are No they did, and whose human noise is been committed or bartered with to sustain in watching'? Because there is not one secret on earth where humans have not been in conflict or involved with each other. And of course the❓ Which humans don't possess some practices are support of a Religion. And let's be socially polite. Why, the anxiety over the title Christianity, why does the name cause pure chaos. It appears human beings Contributed to the cause of Civil Rights movements, Voted on liberty & justice for some. Of All needing a balance for social injustices to be completely over. For All. We took the disrespect of time. To justify not even in the All of racial disparity, hate crimes, knowing why the same humans will age in the mind. More than often even faster in the physical. Why, stress & disobedience. Knowing why Sacrifice is better than; unnecessary struggles. Of what is created amongst humans emotions. Is the birth in All. Of human being is the condition of each other's; mind & heart. So what about the money. It's printed ink & colored number coins. Barted with. Where who can buy a human with a thought for Time. To exist are snap out of. The same mindset of Pause. So, is it this time because of what just law makers decided. Who looks the part. Are even sold the dialect throughout the insults of dehumanizing; all genders of people. Are did the intense focus excel for the unofficial. To be assembled an official. To dictate what to abolish of rights in the Amendment for Justice to prevail; of what faced really appeared in poverty & famine.
Once it was discovered onde again. In the next of the last of generations. Regarding whose human contacts occured. During the course of anytype of human violence, assassinations, riots throughout anytype persons title on earth. Resulting in respirations. For the restoration, did reveal. In what emotions of pure hearted hate creates. In all types of damages in this world. And attempting to defending & deleting the history of Genocide in All; did not remove the blood in the earth. Remains of the same blood sown down in the soil. Throughout humanity. To continue with this inner world of why humanity gets heated up to using Politics to monopolize the State to Constitute a fight over Religion. In the world. You needed people divided, & undecided. Which creates fear & hate.
Use the word Dupe, in a fragile mental manner. Why, In all these human involvements. The truth should of been grasped not downgraded of it's transparency. Why, denial is a temporary state of believing in the mindset. Why, there is absolutely nothing that has not been done; on earth under heaven. Underneath is the foundation. Humans were not involved together on top of earth. And money is always the bargaining chip. Even in the Biblical Prophecy exist the human behaviors & naughtiness. Gold and silver pieces were the bargaining pieces. To setup the down fall of human to human in the final events. That led up this term ' pull up'. Well humanity has pulled up on the past & pulling into the same in the presence. And current generations of events. On earth is the history of Sodom & Gomorrah. Judah & the Jezebel, Cain & Abel, Rebekah & Isaac. And it's goes on and on. Throughout human history.
This enticement to gas lighting each other to gear up for Anger. Twisting the issues for humans. With the antagonizing spirits to create more assumptions. throughout generations. That stems; from jealousy. Why, knowing wisdom is a spiritual gift only GOD gives. How do, we know. Heaven & Earth shall pass. And the GODs word will reign. Then what not ask humans why do we struggle with each other on earth. And how do we lack to know how much knowledge and information is managed & deliberately not shared. For the lack in knowledge has to exist. In every relationship humans have proven the betrayal; it's like gravity in weight. 'People got somethings to deal with in themselves why! 'We just don't All get it at the same time', thank you '🪽', my beloved And to All the beloveds that's departed from the Dash. Leaving your footprint in human history; is left of bread crumbs to eat on.
Circling back to the book of Hosea 4:6, knowledge is a threat. And as humans. It's enough of watching how we even wander around. In wondering how to start another argument. To orchestrate the next petty; debate. While it's obvious the state of our survival rate is no longer a Political race. For the debate is now won, of 1 now. Now whom do we argue with us; about our own human self choices?
Now lol. So, we all catch the 'Pull Up' statement. To each other in this World. Are referred to those in society the four corners is also The Walls & Doors. We All get it now. Life brough it all full Circle.
Do we even need more time to fix this. The present appearance of Pharaohs; mission. Before the sunsets calmly tonight. Not hand of man that has no human access to control the thermostat are grid for the state of this type of darkness. That completely covers; the infrastructure on world. No where to hide. From the light of the World
Today the doors of many government branches of the government is now Officially by Officials and the power of Authority; of voters voted. Is now permanently; official.
So, what does it mean for humans throughout the world. Maybe a small check. Are fir Mass control. How so, influence created the anticipated. Of human intelligence in ideas. Of what will work in my favor. But in reality worked on and throughout it. Don't over think it. It's done. Now if left of Tools in the world. Every race will work with. To rebuild a bridge.
Well, human history has been taught transparency. Because of the beauty in life. Is the adversity, growth the changes visions.
Teach the next generation The importance. Of The voters truth is not bound by twisting the wording. The Amendments & Constitutions. We're fought for; by humans. Just for the equality of the same in basic human rights. Including allowing the voters to elect the party. Of their beliefs that would lead the future of ; history. Is of humanity. In one Civilization of every culture and race is the; people's rights.
But the reality is now be honest. To tell the child why life is beautiful. It's the choices, freedoms and of freewill. That predicts. what life lessons. Will humans walk away with mentally. As this class snapped UAs in All back. Into an updated session.
If we're bright eyed, bushy tail. And open to be better prepared to learn, look, hear and learn. Why, our personal mind blowing affairs. Would ft affected by the chain of events. In this life lesson that Directed the human side in us All.
Why the lesson from The Holy Bible focused on no matter the state of the world. It's faith and disobedience that rip in the shift of our Souls.
Why, not. Complete a sentence without, signaling another question that leaves the next ? Mark.
Human submission. And the human Cohabitations on Earth. Would eventually expose the entire; shift of its foundation. The rift on earth.
Why, humans. Will turn over to their own reprobated minds in one self.
So what happened with the Gangs; the disguise was relevant. The Grand Hustle of the cent. The take over. So we congregated don't speak on it. To speak over it.
Is now the official documented of history. The state of the world. As humans believe it's unbelievable in All.
The extension of could of, should of but lacked in of officially; documented.
Checkers & Chess. All the shimming in the world. knowing what we as humans did to each other. Now watch Now or Later. Love & Hate, over Hip Hop around the tables and chairs. Of what pours out in these humans hearts.. These hearts left behind on Earth.
The; last of these mechanicals. Thank you fam, for the power in your tongue. Now is power left in the breath of life. See, death was always part of the process. It was man who inside of his or her own head.
If you read life & look over the minds of people. Religion & Politics in Society. And the zoning of his Infrastructure has to be implemented. It full filled the ending..
Full circle, 'love you. I love you more'. Even when the world passes over.
Power, Money, & the supply creates the demand for Respect should of been earned. As the street cred goes; a trick for the bag. And it's going to a setup. In a domino affect. Of every dimension is the Algorithm. Eventually humans make mistakes. N matter the size of the cookie jar. It's the amount of weight it carries.
No pun intended. But always remember accountability. Well All going to answer. But this Not to each other..
In the beginning was Time. The beginning of mankind human; acknowledging the SIN even has expiration dates. According to The breathes of life remaining on Earth. For the birth in the world has to begin; inside of the womb. Was transition in a females womb; because of the DNA of mans genetic traits. The transition from nakedness & blind inside. Until expose to the outside is the light in the world. life & death the sand air of one breath. And in-between the dash. Is what did humans birth back into the souls of the seeds in the Earth.
Famine & Feast. The Genocidicide; of it's Own Doctrine. Manmade laws is the State vs. Religion.
See books l existed in resources through the history of Mankind. But in these homesteads; it started of the accountability; teachers of the teaching of morals, values & beliefs. And if blacks built the infrastructure. Of Masters occupied of the offices. And managed of the people governed by the man made laws. From their rendition of Biblical Constitution is the events of the births reside the generation of New Forefathers sustaining the foundations of present human history. An act of Law; complete control of power.
Over the history of declined protection of human rights. Not one law was charged completely changed. only adjusted to fit the temporary amended people's rights. But not the deletion of the same Laws & it's Civil Rights. It's permanent recording of; obsolete. The massive recall of every Amendment & Constitution Right is the right of the New Found World.
It hits home harder. When you thought; the plan was concrete in the stoned grace of the faces residing over Justice. While the flags waived; in the wind. Of red flags warning. A rift is the foundation is of every Human Civil Rights; why did the fight exist. The information was taken from Biblical Prophecy. And is being fulfilled by the Prophets of this physical man or woman. In the physical. Also exist the spiritual beliefs. Applied to how the world should; now exist. From the beginning way of what the Bible was read if not taught to them.
And if GOD is still not of man but of the spirit. But Man can represent himself in the flesh. To be feared as a symbolic representative to the world. Listen to what is no longer a human right. But the same right to repeat Civil rights disregard of History..
Tell the youth we have worked by the aggressive human natures is the attitudes. We have worked on each other: to defile each other's human freedoms. To create a world of submissive behaviors. Unto one structure of being human. Obedience is now by it's Laws corrected. To validate one Law that will dictate. even our own Civil Rights in a free world. Of A Freewill; to except of it. Are barter with the infrastructure and systems. For the property is now a result of; ownership over the state of human protections, human privacy. Limited to civil rights. With no access of any longer accessibility. Under the guardianship of the New World Orders. For Human vs. Human.
The Fire; Politics & State vs. Religion & Hunan Faith.
The Holy Bible is a foundation of convenants. Written by 'I Am, Who I am'.
Humans live, according to a lifestyle of a acknowledgement, observation are completely denial of 'I am, Who I am'. To exist.